Parashat Bechukotai, May 21st, 2011, 17 Iyar, 5771
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) This week at Midreshet Moriah
2) Alumnae News
3) Faculty Devar Torah – Mrs. Michal Porath-Zibman
4) Mazel Tovs
5) Mi She-Berach List
This Week at Midreshet
After a week of bonding with the entire country, we kicked off this week at Midreshet with an informative and insightful Yom Iyun on Tziyonut (Zionism). In addition to the topics learnt, the girls discussed what Tziyonut means to them and how to keep their bond with Israel strong after they return home.
A solid week of learning followed, leading up to next week’s packed programming. All the girls are looking forward to Lag Ba’omer on Motzei Shabbat and Sunday for which our wonderful madrichot have arranged a spectacular bonfire and some of our girls will be visiting Meron.
Later in the week, we will be heading to the north of Israel for a few days of tiyulim, activities and Shabbat in Tzfat.
Stay tuned…..
Pictures from our year can be seen at
Alumnae News
This coming week!
Alumnae Reunions with Michal Porath Zibman!
Take a break from studying for finals, and stop in for a quick hello, and some Torat Eretz Yisrael!!!
Shiur and Shmooze with MPZ
Monday May 23rd at 1:15 pm Shimons Pizza, 7124 Main Street
Monday May 23rd at 6:30 pm Stanton Hall, 245 Lexington Room 101
Stay tune for further details on an evening in Washington Heights...
Michal also has some time to meet with former students individually on May 23-24-25.
If you are interested in meeting with her, please email
Becoming You
Michal Porath-Zibman
This week's parsha opens up with the statement "Im bechukotai telechu, v'et mitzvotai tishmiru, v'asitem otam"- "If you will follow my decrees and observe my commandments and perform them". Ordinarily, the term 'bechukotai' is translated as 'my decreees' or 'my laws' from the root word 'chok' which means 'law'. The Lubavitcher Rebbe z"l (20th cent., USA) suggested an additional reading of the word 'bechukotai'. He points out that another possible root of the word is 'chakak' which means 'engrave'. When one thinks of it with that root, says the Lubavitcher Rebbe, one gains additional insight into ones Avodat Hashem. Performing mitzvot shouldn't just be something that is done, as if we have a checklist and check things off as we do them but rather, we should make every effort that the impact of our actions is so strong, that it is literally engraved within us. It may be a fleeting action, yet its results are eternal, because they impact us far beyond just the time of the act itself. They remain engraved within us. Similarly, the Aish Kodesh, R' Kalonimus Kalman Shapiro z"l (20th cent., Poland) says in Chovat HaTalmidim, that one should make sure while performing mitzvot, that our Avodat Hashem doesn't remain as something we do, but should become part of who we are.
The pasuk that immediately follows this verse is "Venatati gishmeychem b'Itam"- "And I will provide your rains in their time". Reb Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, (18th cent., Ukraine) comments in his sefer the "Kedushat Levi", that it seems almost strange that the Torah should promise a reward for performing the mitzvot. Aren't we meant to do them lishma, for the sake of the fact that Hashem commanded us to do so? How are we meant to understand this second pasuk which seems as if its stating a reward? Reb Levi Yiztchak answers as follows: One should not read it as a reward, but rather a situation that Hashem will provide. If we do the mitzvot and dedicate our lives to active pursuit of Avodat Hashem, then G-d will provide us with rain, with sustenance, with which we can grow our crops and live comfortably in our land, and thereby be able to have the means with which, if we make the right decisions, we can elevate our Avodat Hashem to even greater heights. We can use the money to give tzedaka, we can use our crops to feed the poor, our homes to house the homeless, etc.
So it's not an automatic reward, yet it is a situation, that in the proper mindset and with proper awareness can be used to better the lives of those around us and continue a life of Torah and mitzvot.
Yehi Ratzon that we are blessed to not just perform the mitzvot, but have them impact us as well, and may we be zoche to always find ways to get closer to Him.
Mazel Tov
Tali Zucker (03-04, 04-05) and Tsvi Selengut
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Rav Eytan and Rena Coren (Faculty) on the birth of a boy
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadlo lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim. Kshem shenichnas lBrit kein yikanes lTorah lChupah ulMa'asim tovim.
Please help us stay informed -
Mi SheBerach List
Please email if there is a name you would like to add or remove!
Karen bat Lena - undergoing chemotherapy (5/4/11)
Faiga Leah bas Henya (5/3/11)
Eliezer Baruch Chaim ben Rochel Leah - severe pneumonia/critical (4/14/11)
Yaakov Meir ben Golda (3/4/11)
Chaim ben Chashka (3/3/2011) – diabetes complications
Matityahu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka (3/5/2011)
Tziporah Feiga Bat Sima Sheindel (2/26/2011)
Shira bat Deena Miriam – premature baby on a ventilator (2/19/2011)
Noa Batya bat Daniella Rut – 7 month old with leukemia (2/5/2011)
Leah Alona Bat Tziporah (2/5/2011)
Leora bat Sarah (2/5/2011)
Frimit bat Devorah (2/5/2011)
Rivah bat Jane (1/29/2011)
Amitai Yaakov ben Bracha - a 16 yr. old just diagnosed with leukemia (1/29/2011)
Dina Eta bat Chaya Tzippora Sheva (1/22/2011)
Aharon Yitzchak ben Deena Yehudis (1/6/2011)
Adi bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Reut bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Chaim Yissachar ben Chaya Mushkit (26 year old with 2 children, leukemia)
Shraga Feivel ben Sasha
Ari ben Rivka (young husband with brain tumor)
Inbal bat Nelya
Zacharia Kalman HaCohen ben Yael Margalit
Shai Ben Meital - 4 yr old with brain damage and seizures
Aviva Miriam bat Esther - 9 month old baby with cancer going through chemo
Tzipora Fayga Bat Sima Shaindel- 33 year old mother of 3 with Leukemia(9/19/2010)
Tzvi Ilan ben Gita (8/12/2010)
Chaya Tziporah Sheva bat Faiga (8/12/2010)
Chisha Bayla bat Miriam
Chaya Meira Mindel bat Chava Golda - Midreshet alumna with cancer
Refael ben Nomi- 10 month old baby who has meningitis
Avraham ben Elka (5/21/10)
Rivka Bracha bat Yehudit - mother of 6 with cancer, doing better BH
Rivka Margalit bat Ita - 12 year old girl with a brain tumor (5/27/2010)
Rachel bat Re-ayah - mother of 7 with cancer that has spread
Batya Leah bat Sara - cancer
Noa Chaya bat Nava Yehudit - baby
Yehuda Moshe Yosef ben Miriam
Rayzel bat Rifka
Midreshet Moriah
The Educational Wing
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
P.O. Box 3235, Jerusalem, Israel
tel: 972-2-652-7449 fax: 972-2-651-1524
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