Terumah, February 5 2011, 1 Adar 1 5771
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) This week at Midreshet Moriah
2) Faculty Devar Torah – Dr. Tamara Spitz
3) Mazel Tovs
4) Mi She-Berach List >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
This Week at Midreshet
This week has been a great week in Midreshet and all the credit has to go to our amazing students and their awesome Rakazot. Not only are the Rakazot always there for the girls and help them in so many ways, they also help insure that they have a great time here at Midreshet. Tuesday is Rakezet night but this Tuesday was far from normal. Ailie’s group left Midreshet and went to her home to prepare together for their Rakezet Shabbaton. When the girls arrived Ailie had all the recipes and ingredients laid out and the girls divided into groups of two and three to prepare for Shabbat. The girls prepared cakes, cookies, kugels and so much more for what is sure to be an amazing Shabbaton.
Tuesday night was also a great night for Devorah’s group. They planned the annual Midreshet auction. The girls went around and got donations from their teachers and there was plenty of amazing things to buy. Up for sale were Shabbatot with teachers, specially prepared meals, sushi making, and of course Rav Lerner offered to take girls for a bracha from Rav Shienberg, Shilta. The bidding was fierce, the competition was intense and when all the dust settled the girls raised 4,660 shekel. The money will be donated to the Machlis Family, who we visited on our SIur Chessed and open their home to hundreds of guests each and every Shabbat. Kol Hakavod to Devorah Yarmush and all the girls that worked on the auction.
Our third Rakezet group has also had an exciting few weeks. Several weeks ago Rina Zinkin and her family celebrated the birth of baby boy. While we miss seeing Rina around Midreshet, Lauren Goldschmidt has stepped in and is doing an amazing job. The girls are enjoying meeting with Lauren and getting to know her and she certainly has been a wonderful addition to Midreshet. Lauren has fit in so well that it seems like she has been here forever.
Oh Yeah… In case you were worried that the Rakazot were not keeping the girls busy enough we had a great week of learning and we even had a late night ice cream party organized by the madrichot. It was a great chance for bonding with our newer madrichot, and everyone is excited for a wonderful Shabbat.
Pictures from our year can be seen at >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Parshat Terumah
Carrying the Burden
Dr. Tamara Spitz
The first mitzvah of Parshat Terumah, following Parshat Mishpatim, is the building of the Mishkan and specifically the Aron HaBrit (Ark of the Coveneant). Why is this mitzvah here? In his introduction to our Parshah, Ramban explains that the Mishkan, and the Aron itself, are tools to continue the relationship with Hashem. At Matan Torah we received the Aseret HaDibrot and in Parshat Mishpatim we continue to receive more mitzvot. But we aren't finished. There needs to be a place to continue receiving the mitzvot. The Mishkan is that place. A meeting place for Hashem and Moshe. Hence the name “Ohel Moed” -- the tent of meeting. It is also a place of testimony. The place where we store the Luchot HaBrit, a testimony of the brit we made with Hashem.
In his article on Parshat Trumah, Rav Elchanan Samet links this idea of a divine covenant with the main components of the Aron. The lower part of the Aron was made of wood and then covered with gold. This represents the human side of the covenant. Man is often compared to a tree. However, thanks to our relationship with Hashem, we have been elevated. Therefore, the wood of the Aron is covered in gold. The poles that are used to carry the Aron are placed in rings on the side of the Aron, and are never supposed to be removed. These too were made of wood and covered in gold. The Aron was carried on the shoulders of the Kohanim. Every man is required to “carry” the Aron. We all have this burden placed upon us. We need to be the carriers of the covenant of Hashem.
The cover of the Aron, the Kaporet, on the other hand, was made of pure gold. This is the divine partner of the Brit. Hashem spoke to Moshe through the Kruvim on the Kaporet. Just as the human component is required to house the covenant, the Luchot HaBrit, the cover, the divine component, protects the Brit.
The experience at Har Sinai was the ultimate religious experience. But it doesn't end there. The Mishkan and in particular, the Aron, perpetuate this experience. Though we don't have the Beit Hamikdash or the Aron at the moment, we need to constantly relive, to recreate, this experience for ourselves. To remember this “Ol” (burden) we have upon us, and that there is a constant divine presence in our midst. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mazel Tov
Ariella Freedman (06-07) and Jonny Cooper
Rachel Berg (06-07) and Josh Teitcher
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Daniella (Klians) (03-04) and Jeffrey Remin
Melissa (Herman) (02-03) and Jaryd Kellman
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Frayda (Laufer) (Madrichah 06-07) and Binny Leibtag on the birth of their daughter
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Miriam (Lichtman) (01-02) and Josh Smilow on the birth of the son Yedidya Ezra
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadlo lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim. Kshem shenichnas lBrit kein yikanes lTorah lChupah ulMa'asim tovim.
Please help us stay informed - >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mi SheBerach List **** Due to the length of the list we started a NEW list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add or remove! Noa Batya bat Daniella Rut – 7 month old with leukemia (2/5/2011) Leah Alona Bat Tziporah (2/5/2011) Leora bat Sarah (2/5/2011) Frimit bat Devorah (2/5/2011) Rivah bat Jane (1/29/2011) Amitai Yaakov ben Bracha - a 16 yr. old just diagnosed with leukemia (1/29/2011) Dina Eta bat Chaya Tzippora Sheva (1/22/2011) Aharon Yitzchak ben Deena Yehudis (1/6/2011) Adi bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick) Reut bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick) Chaim Yissachar ben Chaya Mushkit (26 year old with 2 children, leukemia) Shraga Feivel ben Sasha Ari ben Rivka (young husband with brain tumor) Inbal bat Nelya Zacharia Kalman HaCohen ben Yael Margalit Shai Ben Meital - 4 yr old with brain damage and seizures Aviva Miriam bat Esther - 9 month old baby with cancer going through chemo Tzipora Fayga Bat Sima Shaindel- 33 year old mother of 3 with Leukemia(9/19/2010) Ester bat Rivka- baby undergoing treatment for rare heart condition (9/19/2010) Tzvi Ilan ben Gita (8/12/2010) Chaya Tziporah Sheva bat Faiga (8/12/2010) Chisha Bayla bat Miriam Chaya Meira Mindel bat Chava Golda - Midreshet alumna with cancer Refael ben Nomi- 10 month old baby who has meningitis Avraham ben Elka (5/21/10) Rivka Bracha bat Yehudit - mother of 6 with cancer, doing better BH Rivka Margalit bat Ita - 12 year old girl with a brain tumor (5/27/2010) Rachel bat Re-ayah - mother of 7 with cancer that has spread Batya Leah bat Sara - cancer Noa Chaya bat Nava Yehudit - baby Yehuda Moshe Yosef ben Miriam Rayzel bat Rifka