Parashat Masai, July 30th, 2011, 28 Tammuz, 5771
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) Alumnae Update
2) Faculty Devar Torah – Mrs. Rina Zinkin
3) Mazel Tov
4) Mi She-Berach List
The annual summer Upstate New York reunion will take place at:
Camp HASC,
361 Parksville Road,
Parksville, NY 12768
on Sunday night July 31, at 845 pm.
Join Michal Porath Zibman and Fagie Reves for an evening of
Midmo girls, shmoozing, Torah and food!!
We can't wait to see you there!
Please email if you have any questions
or to let us know that you are coming!!
See you then!!!!!
From Suffering to Salvation
Mrs. Rina Zinkin
We find ourselves in the time period of the Three weeks, leading up to Tisha B’Av. On this shabbos, Shabbos Mevarchim, we will prepare ourselves to usher in the upcoming month of Menachem Av. Let us try to tap into this spiritual station and draw inspiration from it.
In Sefer Eichah, the Navi Yirmiyahu says, “kara alai mo’ed,” He [Hashem] declared a specific time upon me” in reference to Tisha B”Av. Yirmiyahu seems to be referring to Tisha B’Av as a Festival, a “Mo’ed.” Why?
One answer might be that Zecharia tells us that in the future, Tisha B’av will turn into a day of “sason v’simcha,” joy and happiness. The “Festival of Tisha B’Av” is referring, therefore, to the Tisha Be-Av of the future. But minhag Yisrael clearly points to another understanding as well: It is because of “kara alai mo’ed” that we do not say Tachanun on Tisha B’av. Omitting Tachanun points to the fact that there is an element of mo'ed in the present as well, not just for the future. How are we to understand this paradox of Tisha B’Av being called a “mo’ed?”
Rav Mayer Twersky explained that to answer this question, we must understand the concept of “be-midah she-adam moded, modedin lo.” When a person must be punished, the punishment given is “midah ke-neged midah,” exactly corresponding to the sin that was committed. It is not simply that a person who steals a hundred dollars will lose a dollars; midah keneged midah is not simply retribution. Rather, the punishment, understood correctly, also allows us to be “metaken” the sin. Its purpose is to cause a person to do a true cheshbon hanefesh and to do teshuva for what was done wrong.
Yesurim (suffering) are always the foundation for yeshua (salvation). It is not simply that the yeshua terminates the yesurim, but that the yeshua is the culmination of the yesurim. All yesurim happen for a reason; they have a purpose. This is an understanding which is so important to internalize in order to properly deal with Klal Yisrael’s suffering as a nation and as individuals.
Rav Twersky explained that the relationship between Galut and Ge’ula, between Yesurim and Yeshua, is that the Yeshua/Geula is not the termination, but rather is the culmination. It is this understanding that sheds light on how Tisha B’av can be called a “mo’ed’. Tisha B’Av is called a “mo’ed” even on the day of the churban (destruction of the Beit HaMikdash), and even in the present, because it is the churban, the mourning over the churban, and the yesurim associated with the churban, which lay the foundation for the ge’ula and the rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash, may it come quickly.
As we enter the month of “Menachem Av,” may our Av truly be Menachem Klal Yisrael as a nation, and as individuals, and turn this Tisha B’Av into a true “mo’ed,” full of sason v’simcha.
Have an uplifting Shabbos!
Mazel Tov
Leora (Faculty) & Rav Assaf Bednarsh on the birth of a baby girl.
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Yehudit (Pressner) (02-03) and Aaron Gavant on the birth of a baby boy, Matan Shalom
Emily (Gross) (03-04) and Yossi Fuchs on the birth of a baby boy
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadlo lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim. Kshem shenichnas lBrit kein yikanes lTorah lChupah ulMa'asim tovim.
Please help us stay informed -
Mi SheBerach List
Please email if there is a name you would like to add or remove!
Shosha bat Flora (7/28/11)
Aviva Miriam bat Esther - 15 month old baby continuing chemotherapy for cancer (7/17/11)
Tziporah Sarah bat Esther Leah (7/14/11)
Aron ben Reizal (7/14/11)
Tzuriya Kochevet bat Sara - diagnosed with stomach cancer.(7/3/11)
Shmuel ben Miriam-toddler whose cancer has returned (5/26/11)
Karen bat Lena - undergoing chemotherapy (5/4/11)
Faiga Leah bas Henya (5/3/11)
Chaim ben Chashka (3/3/2011) – diabetes complications
Matityahu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka (3/5/2011)
Tziporah Feiga Bat Sima Sheindel (2/26/2011)
Shira bat Deena Miriam – premature baby on a ventilator (2/19/2011)
Noa Batya bat Daniella Rut – 7 month old with leukemia (2/5/2011)
Leah Alona Bat Tziporah (2/5/2011)
Leora bat Sarah (2/5/2011)
Frimit bat Devorah (2/5/2011)
Rivah bat Jane (1/29/2011)
Amitai Yaakov ben Bracha - a 16 yr. old just diagnosed with leukemia (1/29/2011)
Dina Eta bat Chaya Tzippora Sheva (1/22/2011)
Aharon Yitzchak ben Deena Yehudis (1/6/2011)
Adi bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Reut bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Chaim Yissachar ben Chaya Mushkit (26 year old with 2 children, leukemia)
Shraga Feivel ben Sasha
Ari ben Rivka (young husband with brain tumor)
Inbal bat Nelya
Kalman HaCohen ben Yael Margalit
Shai Ben Meital - 4 yr old with brain damage and seizures
Tzipora Fayga Bat Sima Shaindel- 33 year old mother of 3 with Leukemia(9/19/2010)
Tzvi Ilan ben Gita (8/12/2010)
Chaya Tziporah Sheva bat Faiga (8/12/2010)
Chisha Bayla bat Miriam
Chaya Meira Mindel bat Chava Golda - Midreshet alumna with cancer
Refael ben Nomi- 10 month old baby who has meningitis
Avraham ben Elka (5/21/10)
Rivka Margalit bat Ita - 12 year old girl with a brain tumor (5/27/2010)
Batya Leah bat Sara - cancer
Noa Chaya bat Nava Yehudit - baby
Yehuda Moshe Yosef ben Miriam
Rayzel bat Rifka
Midreshet Moriah
The Educational Wing
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
P.O. Box 3235, Jerusalem, Israel
tel: 972-2-652-7449 fax: 972-2-651-1524
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