Parashat Kedosim, April 30th, 2011, 26 Nissan, 5771
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) Faculty Devar Torah – Mrs. Neima Novetsky
2) Mi She-Berach List
Habits of Highly Holy Humans
Mrs. Neima Novetsky
The Gemara in Yevamot tells us that in the period between Pesach and Shavuot, twelve thousand pairs of Rabbi Akiva's students died since they "did not act with respect towards one another." To commemorate this tragedy, we have customs of mourning throughout the period of sefirat ha'omer.
Interestingly, Parshat Kedoshim is always read at the beginning of this period of mourning, a very fitting parsha, for it contains many mizvot bein adam lehavero, from "Love your neighbor as yourself" to "Don't hate your brother in your heart." It is the very first words of the parshah, though, which Ramban suggests perhaps, teach one of the most important lessons concerning one's behavior.
"Kedoshim Tihiyu" - You should be holy. What does this mean? How does one make oneself holy? What are we being told to do? Many, I think, associate "holiness" specifically with the actions in the realm of man-Hashem, but not all commentators agree.
The Rambam suggests that these words do not constitute a specific mitzvah at all, but are rather a general statement warning us about keeping mitzvot as a whole. If one follows the Torah - both those mitzvot between man and Hashem, and interpersonal commandments, by default one is holy.
Rashi, in contrast, suggests that the verse is speaking about a very specific topic, arayot-sexual misdemeanors. "Kedoshim" means to separate one's self from such sins, to be careful about prohibited physical relationships with others. Rashi is perhaps motivated by the proximity of our parsha to the list of arayot in the chapter right beforehand and sees our opening words as a positive formulation of the negative prohibitions just listed.
Ramban takes a very different approach. He explains that these words are telling us "not to be evil within the permissibility of the Torah." What does he mean by that? It is impossible for the Torah to include every single prohibition governing people's behavior. A person can easily do something which s/he knows is not in the spirit of the Torah, yet claim, "But it never says anywhere in the Torah that this is wrong." Ramban would answer that the words, "Be holy" are warning against this very mistake. They include all those things which one should do and not do, yet aren't explicitly listed in the Torah. When we relate to others, we have to keep in mind all the unstated laws as well as the stated ones.
May we all merit to "be holy" in our actions towards both Hashem and our fellow neighbors.
Mi SheBerach List
**** Due to the length of the list we started a NEW list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add or remove!
Eliezer Baruch Chaim ben Rochel Leah - severe pneumonia on respirator/critical (4/14/11)
Chaim ben Chashka (3/3/2011) – diabetes complications
Matityahu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka (3/5/2011)
Tziporah Feiga Bat Sima Sheindel (2/26/2011)
Shira bat Deena Miriam – premature baby on a ventilator (2/19/2011)
Noa Batya bat Daniella Rut – 7 month old with leukemia (2/5/2011)
Leah Alona Bat Tziporah (2/5/2011)
Leora bat Sarah (2/5/2011)
Frimit bat Devorah (2/5/2011)
Rivah bat Jane (1/29/2011)
Amitai Yaakov ben Bracha - a 16 yr. old just diagnosed with leukemia (1/29/2011)
Dina Eta bat Chaya Tzippora Sheva (1/22/2011)
Aharon Yitzchak ben Deena Yehudis (1/6/2011)
Adi bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Reut bat Zahavit (twin baby who is sick)
Chaim Yissachar ben Chaya Mushkit (26 year old with 2 children, leukemia)
Shraga Feivel ben Sasha
Ari ben Rivka (young husband with brain tumor)
Inbal bat Nelya
Zacharia Kalman HaCohen ben Yael Margalit
Shai Ben Meital - 4 yr old with brain damage and seizures
Aviva Miriam bat Esther - 9 month old baby with cancer going through chemo
Tzipora Fayga Bat Sima Shaindel- 33 year old mother of 3 with Leukemia(9/19/2010)
Tzvi Ilan ben Gita (8/12/2010)
Chaya Tziporah Sheva bat Faiga (8/12/2010)
Chisha Bayla bat Miriam
Chaya Meira Mindel bat Chava Golda - Midreshet alumna with cancer
Refael ben Nomi- 10 month old baby who has meningitis
Avraham ben Elka (5/21/10)
Rivka Bracha bat Yehudit - mother of 6 with cancer, doing better BH
Rivka Margalit bat Ita - 12 year old girl with a brain tumor (5/27/2010)
Rachel bat Re-ayah - mother of 7 with cancer that has spread
Batya Leah bat Sara - cancer
Noa Chaya bat Nava Yehudit - baby
Yehuda Moshe Yosef ben Miriam
Rayzel bat Rifka
Midreshet Moriah
The Educational Wing
Shaare Zedek Medical Center
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