Parashat Miketz, Shabbat Chanukah, December 24th, 2011, 28 Kislev, 5771
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) This week at Midreshet Moriah
2) Faculty Dvar Torah – Mrs. Rena Coren
3) Mazal Tov
4) Mi SheBerach
This Week at Midreshet
What a festive Midreshet week it has been! With the dorms all decorated for Chanukah by our fabulous madrichot, you can't help but feel part of the Chanukah spirit.
On Sunday night the girls had their very own menorah making in the dorm with paints, sparkles and glitter and accompanied by Chanukah music, lots of laughter and fun! It's not easy lighting Chanukah candles in the dorms away from family but with everyone lighting together, it brought us closer as a Midreshet family!
We couldn't be prouder of Eliana Kaufman and Stephanie Leichtung who have organized a TFC - Toys for Chanukah collection for children in hospital, to help make it a special Chanukah for them too! Lots of girls from Midreshet, Shalavim and Brovender's have helped donate to this amazing cause and the girls had so many great gifts to distribute.
We are all so excited about the Chanukah Chagigah followed by a much anticipated Shabbat Chanukah Babayit. We'll tell you all about that next week…
Wishing everyone a Chanukah Sameach!
See our photos on our website:
True Faith
Mrs.Rena Coren
Rav Yaakov Naiman (Darchei Mussar, Moadim) makes a fascinating observation on the passuk:
"Vayomer Par'oh el Yosef acharei hodeeya Elokim otcha et kol zot, ein navon ve'chacham kamocha” (Breishit 41,39).
It’s interesting to note that the Pharoah in the days of Yosef, upon hearing the interpretation of his troubling dreams, immediately believes in the word of G-d. This is in spite of being the scion of a society which was entrenched in idolatry. In stark contrast, the Pharoah in the days of Moshe who despite being witness to outright miracles and signs, belligerently states “Who is Hashem that I should listen to him?” Why the blatant discrepancy?
Rav Naiman answers that the Pharoah in the days of Yosef hears an interpretation that is pleasing to him and in his best interest; that while the rest of the world would face starvation, he and his kingdom would be a wealthy super power. Pharoah very much wanted to believe this fortuitous tiding. In the days of Moshe however, the word of Hashem was not to Pharoah’s liking. There he was being asked to set free an entire nation that was enslaved to him and his empire would be sure to lose a lot of wealth and status. In that case, Pharoah did not want to believe and have to face the repercussions of that belief.
The attitude of these two Egyptian monarchs highlights for us the difference of what true emunah entails for a Jew. As Rav Hutner comments on Tehillim 92, “lihagid baboker chasdecha ve’emunatcha baleilot”- When things are clear to me (like the morning which is a time of light), when things are pleasant for me, I recognize the chessed in what Hashem does for me. Yet, even when things are hard for me and dark (like night time), I still believe in Hashem and follow in His path. A Jew’s faith in Hashem never wavers regardless of the time period in which he finds himself. He constantly is connected and working on the precious relationship that he has with his Creator, from a place of loyalty and belief.
Bezchut the emunah we have in joyous times and the little lights of faith that we ignite inside ourselves even the darkest times, may we be zoche to experience a time that will be only light, b'mheira beyameinu.
Shabbat Shalom!
Mazel Tov!
Ruthie (Staff) and Ahituv Gershinksy on the birth of a granddaughter
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Natanya (Horowitz) ('06-'07, '07-'08) and Simcha Tropp on the birth of a baby girl
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Lani (Lederer) ('05-'06, madricha '09-10, '10-'11) and Josh Berman on the birth of a baby boy
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadlo lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Dorya Jerusalem ('08-'09) and David Barth on the occasion of their wedding
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Rachelit Mitnick ('09-'10) and Gavriel Bernstein on the occasion of their engagement
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Please help us stay informed -
Mi SheBerach List
We have started a new list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add.
Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya (22/12)
Yosef Dov ben Frieda (22/12)
Chana Fraida bas Faiga Zelda (22/12)
Dorit Chaya Bat Geulah (15/12)
Briget Joan bat Marion Patricia (15/12)
Dorit Chaya bat Geula (15/12)
Dovid Chaim ben Brina (15/12)
Avraham ben Esther (15/12)
Adina bat Rivka (15/12)
Moriel Raizie bat Feige Kaylee (13/12)
Rachel Yehudit bat Mancha Zaisel (8/12)
Aron ben Reizel (1/12)
Yehudah ben Shoshanna (1/12)
Haddasah Leah bat Shoshana (24/11)
Baruch Yehudah ben Leah (17/11)
Charna Leah bat Shaindel (17/11)
Mazal bat Pircha (3/11/11)
Malka bat Tova (10/10/11)
Shimon Dovid Yehoshua bat Rena (6/10/11)
Rifaela Chana Rivka bat Shayna Dena (6/10/11)- diagnosed with Non-Hodgken's Lymphoma
Rachel bat Mindel (6/10/11) - Lymphoma
Tzuriya Kochevet bat Sara - mother of 4 with inoperable stomach cancer (25/9/11)
Chaya bat Zecil (22/9/11)
Perel bat Malka (21/9/11)
Rachaylle bat Turan (21/9/11)
Miriam Leah bat Reizel Dena (21/9/11)
Zechariya Kalman Hakohen ben Yael Margolit (18/9/11)
Refael Matityahu Yaakov ben Gittel Rivka (18/9/11)
Tzipora Sara bat Esther Leah (18/9/11)
David ben Miriam (18/9/11)
David ben Rachel (18/9/11)
Rachel bat Kochava (18/9/11)
Hilda bat Yaffa (18/9/11)
Chana Gitel bat Sarah Chana (18/9/11)
Sarah Sipora bat Shifra (18/9/11)
Moshe Eliezer ben Esther Miriam (18/9/11)
Hilda bat Yaffa (18/9/11)
Moshe Yitzchak ben Shoshana (18/9/11)
Aviva Miriam bat Esther ( 11/9/11)
Osnat bat Clara (11/9/11)
Avraham Yehuda ben Davida Yehudit (11/9/11)
Tziporah Faiga Bat Sima Shaindel (11/9/11)
Chava Deena Etya Bat Chaya Tziporah Sheva (11/9/11)