Parashat Terumah, February 25, 2012, 2 Adar 5772
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) This week at Midreshet Moriah
2) Faculty Dvar Torah – Mrs. Bracha Krohn
3) Mazal Tov
4) Mi SheBerach
This Week at Midreshet
It was Movie night in the dorms this past Monday arranged by our fantastic(!) madrichot with the
best of Mea Shearim's popcorn and refreshments. It was a super fun and a bonding night for all.
Speaking of Mea Shearim……Chodesh Adar Sameach! In the spirit of Adar, Midreshet's office
has been transformed into-yes- Mea Shearim! Tune in next week for great pics and more details.
We had another learning session with the girls from Midreshet Darkeinu this week. Lead by
Michal Porat Zibman, the girl's discussed Adar, Purim and all the characters from the megillah.
With a week full of Adar preparations and spirit, the girls learnt many new insights about Purim
and the aspects of simcha during this happy time.
Everyone is super excited about this week's faculty shabbaton when all students will be spending
shabbat at the homes of our amazing teachers.
May we all be blessed with an Adar full of only happy things!
Shabbat Shalom and Chodesh Tov from all at Midreshet.
See the latest photos on our website:
Concrete Inspiration
Mrs. Bracha Krohn
In this week's Parasha, Parshat Terumah, we learn about the mitzvah to build a sanctuary for Hashem. This command, of course, sounds odd: we know that G-d cannot "fit into a house" and is described by Shlomo haMelech as not even being contained by the heavens (see Divre Hayamim II 6:18)! So what meaning could this construction project have had for Bnei Yisrael and what lesson can we take from it that is relevant to our lives today?
In Ramban's introduction to Parshat Terumah , he writes about the Zohar's understanding of the mishkan: it was a concretization of and memorial to Matan Torah at Har Sinai, the big event that Bnei Yisrael experienced which changed their lives forever. The mishkan, with its rules and regulations and by the phrases the Torah employs to describe it, was actually a mini Har Sinai. Think about how the Kodesh Kadoshim, where only the Kohain Gadol enters, is like the top of the mountain where only Moshe went and the "glory of G-d filled the mishkan" (Shmot 40:34-35) the way "the glory of Hashem descend on Har Sinai" (24:16). Just as Hashem spoke to Moshe from the Kruvim on the aron, so too Hashem's voice emanated from the mountain-top. You can read the introduction by Ramban for more examples, but what we learn from here is that Hashem instructed the Jewish people to take the inspiration from Matan Torah and try to hold on to it in a concrete way – find some way to keep it with them daily. The mishkan would forever remind them of the experience they had when Hashem first spoke to them. This intimate day they had with HaKadosh Baruch Hu would be available to them, in a small way, as a source of inspiration as they began their journey as a nation.
We can learn from this that when we are inspired, changed or effected by some event or milestone, we must find a way to mark that occasion in a concrete way and find a way to take it with us. In this way, the powerful impact it had on us will last as a source of inspiration and a cause for growth, appreciation or change for many months or years after.
Shabbat Shalom
Mazel Tov!
Rebecca Rubin ('09-'10) and Shimshon Seligson on their engagement
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Aviva Deutsch ('06-'07, '07-'08) and Michael Horwitz on their engagement
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Ariella Freiden ('05-'06) and Adam Schwarz on their engagement
Yhi ratzon shetivnu bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Rachel (Chudnoff) ('00-'01) and Uzi Beer on the birth of a girl, Liana Bracha
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Katie (Liefer) ('00-'01) and Ian Lichter on the birth of a girl
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
Abby (Rabinowitz) ('02-'03) and David Bienenfeld on the birth of a boy
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadlo lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim. Kshem shenichnas lBrit kein yikanes lTorah lChupah ulMa'asim tovim.
Please help us stay informed -
Mi SheBerach List
We have started a new list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add.
Tzvi ben Sara (12/2)
Zev Yitzchak ben Chaya Sarah(12/2)
Dov ben Yachad Frida(12/2)
Chaim Mordechai Ben Shaindel (9/2)
Menachem Mendel ben Maida (9/2)
Miriam Henya bat Rivka (19/1)
Reuven ben Tova Chaya (12/1)
Chana bat Sorah (5/1)
Rachel Yehudit bat Minsha Zissel (5/1)
Chaya Shaindel bat Kraindel (5/1)
Leah Golda bat Esther Frimmet (5/1)
Feiga bat Sophie (5/1)
Chane Chaim HaCohen ben Perel (29/12)
Zelda bat Rachel (20/12)
Hayeled Eitan Ze'ev HaCohen ben Leah Binah (29/12)
Batya Emunah bat Bracha Chaya (22/12)
Yosef Dov ben Frieda (22/12)
Chana Fraida bas Faiga Zelda (22/12)
Dorit Chaya Bat Geulah (15/12)
Briget Joan bat Marion Patricia (15/12)
Dorit Chaya bat Geula (15/12)
Dovid Chaim ben Brina (15/12)
Avraham ben Esther (15/12)
Adina bat Rivka (15/12)
Moriel Raizie bat Feige Kaylee (13/12)
Rachel Yehudit bat Mancha Zaisel (8/12)
Aron ben Reizel (1/12)
Yehudah ben Shoshanna (1/12)
Haddasah Leah bat Shoshana (24/11)
Baruch Yehudah ben Leah (17/11)
Charna Leah bat Shaindel (17/11)
Mazal bat Pircha (3/11/11)
Malka bat Tova (10/10/11)
Shimon Dovid Yehoshua bat Rena (6/10/11)
Rifaela Chana Rivka bat Shayna Dena (6/10/11)- diagnosed with Non-Hodgken's Lymphoma
Rachel bat Mindel (6/10/11) - Lymphoma
Tzuriya Kochevet bat Sara - mother of 4 with inoperable stomach cancer (25/9/11)
Chaya bat Zecil (22/9/11)
Perel bat Malka (21/9/11)
Rachaylle bat Turan (21/9/11)
Miriam Leah bat Reizel Dena (21/9/11)
Zechariya Kalman Hakohen ben Yael Margolit (18/9/11)
Tzipora Sara bat Esther Leah (18/9/11)
David ben Miriam (18/9/11)
David ben Rachel (18/9/11)
Rachel bat Kochava (18/9/11)
Hilda bat Yaffa (18/9/11)
Moshe Eliezer ben Esther Miriam (18/9/11)
Hilda bat Yaffa (18/9/11)
Moshe Yitzchak ben Shoshana (18/9/11)
Aviva Miriam bat Esther ( 11/9/11)
Osnat bat Clara (11/9/11)
Avraham Yehuda ben Davida Yehudit (11/9/11)
Tziporah Faiga Bat Sima Shaindel (11/9/11)
Chava Deena Etya Bat Chaya Tziporah Sheva (11/9/11)