Parashat Devarim, July 28, 2012, 9 Menachem Av, 5772
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) Faculty Dvar Torah – Mrs. Michal Porath-Zibman
2) Mazal Tov
3) Mi SheBerach
Where Are You?
Michal Porath-Zibman
This weeks Parsha, Devarim, opens up with a list of the places where Bnei Yisrael have sinned. The Torah does not record what happened in each of these places, but rather just mentions the names of the places. Rashi comments that this is in order to protect the dignity of the Nation, and not to embarrass them for generations to come. R' Chaim Shmuelevitz in the Sichot Mussar explains that Moshe was also giving an additional message for the future of the Jewish nation. When coming to rebuke others, one must be super careful and sensitive as to how the words are being expressed, in what tone they are being said, and in front of whom these things are being said. R' Shmuelevitz points out that this message is particularly strong as it always comes the week before the 9th of Av. We know that the second Beit HaMikdash was destroyed due to the insensitive behavior of Jews toward their fellow Jews. Perhaps this lesson is one small way which we can correct our behavior on this time of year in order to fix that which caused our downfall. On Motzei Shabbat this year, we will read Megillat Eichah as the opening words of Tisha b'Av.
The word 'EICHA', as it is spelled in Hebrew, is the same spelling as another word in Tanach. The first question that G-d questions man in the garden of Eden- 'AYEKA'- where are you?
Do you, the yachid, know where you are standing in life? Do you know where you are in your Avodat Hashem? Do you know what your opinion is about hashkafic issues that face Klal Yisrael and aren't drowning in your own obliviousness to these issues? Do you have goals? Do you have a mission? Do you have a motivation for Tikun Olam?
All that in 'AYEKA'. Adam, man, mankind- WHERE ARE YOU????
It's no coincidence that these words in Hebrew are the same. Eicha. Ayeka.
If man is unaware of his role at this moment in time, if man is unaware of what his obligations are - that has the capacity to bring about the destruction of the Beit HaMikdash, and to bring about an 'EICHA'...Eicha- HOW? How did it come about?
It came about, because I as the yachid, did not know my role or my responsibility in this world. I did not know, or I ignored, what I could have done to maintain and perfect the beauty in this world.
Yet, G-d asks man another question in the beginning of time. He says to Kayin "Ayeh Hevel Achicha"-
Where is your brother????
Knowing where you stand in life is of essential value. Knowing who you are and what your kochot are is a blessing and a privilege. But it isn't enough to know that about your self and to be just the Yachid.
Where is your brother? How is he doing? Do you know what his needs are? How you can help him? Can you rejoice alongside him? Are you capable of mourning together with him?
The first questions that G-d asks man and thereby mankind in the beginning of mankind, charges us with an eternal destiny. Always to know where we are, what our roles and responsibility are, what we can do, but never to neglect the knowledge of where our fellow members of Klal Yisrael are.
Perhaps, if we know the secret of the Yachid and the Yachad, we will never have to ask the question of Eicha again. We will always be able to proudly and b'simcha answer the questions of "Ayeka" and "Ayeh Hevel Achicha"; to know what it is we are supposed to be doing at this moment, and know where our fellow man is as well.
Yehi Ratzon that we can work towards this common goal of personal tikun as well as Tikun Olam and that this Tisha b'Av should IY"H turn into a day of simcha and geulah.
Shabbat Shalom
Mazel Tov!
Ruthie and Ahituv Gershinskyon the birth of grandaughter to Yoni and Ronit (Sulamanov)(Madricha '98-'99) Gershinsky
Yhi ratzon shetizku lgadla lTorah lChupa ulMa'asim tovim.
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