Parashat Ki Tetze, August 30, 2012, 14 Elul, 5772
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) Midreshet News
2) Faculty Dvar Torah – Mrs. Rina Zinkin
3) Mazal Tov
4) Mi SheBerach
Midreshet News
The day we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! Yesterday at exactly 12:08pm, the new Midreshet students of 5773 landed safely in Israel. Rav Eitan, Vicky, Bracha and our amazing Madrichot were there to greet them with signs and smiles.
After everyone got their luggage, the girls boarded the bus and we began our surprise trip with our first stop at Mitzpeh Rechavam, a beautiful look-out from above Har Ha-Zeitim. From there we veiwed the entire Har Ha-Bayyit and talked about the history of davening for our return to this special place in Yerushalayim. The girls heard words of encouragement about learning Torah in Yerushalayim and making the most out of the year. They also joined together in song as our Shana Bet students performed for them a welcome 'gramman'.
All the girls received a Midreshet shirt with “Im Eshkachaich Yerushalayim” printed on it, and were thereby able to fulfill the practice of “tearing kriyah,” as a mourner does, upon seeing the ruins of Yerushalayim after many months (or years) of being away. A group photo with the Har Ha-Bayyit in the background was in order (appearing soon in our website photo gallery). We then quietly davened Mincha together, and it is our prayer that this is the first of many inspirational Tefillot that the girls should have this year.
That night, the dorm was full of friendly chit-chat, music and fun as the girls settled in, unpacked and became comfortable with their new friends and surroundings. Thank you to Sarah Proops, our Eim Bayyit, and to Nechama, Lisa, and Aliza, our madrichot, for staying up late and making sure everyone was settled and happy.
Thursday's a busy day with checking in and orientation in the morning. The afternoon will include the first trip to the Kotel, and afterwards they will head out to a BBQ at Rav Eitan and Sally Mayer. A great evening awaits the girls, with lots of ice-breaker games and fun to help everyone meet and become fast friends.
Thursday will also be an exciting day for our Shana Bet students as they will head out to Ben Gurion airport this afternoon to greet their Madricha from last year, Avichayil (Midmo '06-'07, '07-'08) as she makes Aliyah today!!!! We are very excited and proud of her. After the welcome ceremony, Shana Bet will continue to Rav Eitan's home to join the Shana Aleph students for the BBQ dinner and ice breakers.
Our first in-house Shabbaton of the year is coming up so stayed tuned.
Wishing everyone a fantastic year, filled with success, personal fulfillment and lots of fun!
Opportunities of Elul
Mrs. Rina Zinkin
The ideas in this Devar Torah were taken from Rav Zev Leff's foreword to Thoughts for the Month of Elul, by Rav Avigdor HaLevi Nebenzahl.
We find ourselves now at the spiritual station of Chodesh Elul. The essence of the month of Elul is contained in a pasuk in Shir HaShirim (6:3), "Ani Le-Dodi Ve-Dodi Li," "I alone am my Beloved's (G-d's), and my Beloved (G-d) is mine." The first letters of these words spell out “Elul”. During these special days, it is our responsibility to take the initiative, to take the first step to be close to Hashem – as the pasuk says, "Ani Le-Dodi" – "I am to Hashem." If we take that first step forward, then automatically, "Ve-Dodi Li" – we will discover that our Beloved is indeed close to us, ready to embrace us.
As the shofar is blown each day during this month, we must realize our potential to bond with Hashem and our ability to perfect ourselves in His service. The shofar wakes us up and forces us to look inward and see how far we have come in forging a relationship with Hashem.
Along these same lines, there is another hint to Elul in a pasuk in Devarim (30:6), “U-mol Hashem Elokekha Et Levavkha Ve-et Levav zarekha,” “Hashem will circumcise your heart and the heart of your offspring.” The first letters of these words also spell out “Elul.” Here, the message of the pasuk is that we must remove any obstacles and partitions that may be hindering our ability to proceed forward in our relationship with Hashem, a circumcision of the heart. As Elul is the time to begin removing the past year’s impediments to avodat Hashem, it is very fitting that this pasuk contain within it a hint to Chodesh Elul.
Chodesh Elul is also a time to reassess and strengthen our interpersonal relationships. This is alluded to in yet another pasuk. In Megillat Esther (9:22), the pasuk says, “Ish Le-rei’ehu U-matanot La-evyonim” – “[Gifts from] each person to another, and gifts to the poor.” The first letters of these words spell out “Elul.” Elul is the time when the Jewish people reunite to achieve the ability to receive the Torah again, “ke-ish echad be-lev echad” – “as one person, with one heart.” Klal Yisrael must be one unified entity to receive Hashem’s Torah. (It is interesting to note that within the word “ani,” a word which refers to a lone individual, there is still an allusion to the klal. The first letter of the word “ani” is aleph – one singular individual; but the last letter, yud, is ten, a unit of many, representing a minyan, the community of Klal Yisrael. The connecting force that creates harmony between the individual identity and communal identity is the nun, the fifty gates of wisdom needed to create this partnership.)
This is the dual focus that we must strive for during our remaining weeks of Chodesh Elul – to forge the relationship with Hashem that we all desire, and to strengthen and mend interpersonal relationships.
May all of our efforts during Elul lead us to do complete Teshuvah (repentance), and may all of Klal Yisrael be signed and sealed for a shanah tovah u-metukah (good and sweet year)!
Shabbat Shalom.
Mazel Tov!
Rosie Haffner ('10-'11) and Yanky Halpern
Yhi ratzon she'tizku livnot bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Dena Shandalov ('08-'09) and Chaim Katz.
Yhi ratzon she'tizku livnot bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Kayla Freilich ('08-'09) and Jon Moerdler
Yhi ratzon she'tizku livnot bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Ariella Weiss ('09-'10) and DJ Arfe. Mazal tov to sistersJessica Weiss Slomnicki ('04-'05) and Avichayil Arfe ('06-'07, '07-'08, madricha '11-'12, Staff '12-13)
Yhi ratzon she'tizku livnot bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Dana Horowitz ('06-'07) and Josh Jerushalmi. Mazal Tov to sister Lauren Horowitz ('08-'09) and Karen Horowitz ('12-'13).
Yhi ratzon she'tizku livnot bayit ne'eman bYisrael
Mazal Tov to Avichayil Arfe ('06-'07, '07-'08, madricha '11-'12, Staff '12-'13) on her Aliyah to Eretz Yisrael!
Mi SheBerach List
We have started a new list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add.
Names added this week:
For complete 5772 list, please go to: