Parashat Vayelech, Shabbat Shuva, September 22, 2012, 6 Tishrei, 5773
Dear Talmidot, Parents and Friends –
1) Midreshet News- Tobi Siebzener and Dassie Goldman, Shana Bet
2) Faculty Dvar Torah – Rav Zvi Ron
3) Mazal Tov
4) Mi SheBerach
Midreshet News
Tobi Siebzener, Shana Bet, Chicago, IL
Dassie Goldman, Shana Bet, Teaneck, NJ
In preparation for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, last Thursday night, our Madricha Lisa went with girls to Midreshet Migdal Oz in Gush Etzion for a truly unique selichot experience (Thank you Evyatar for the bus!). The huge Beit Midrash was packed with hundreds of women and between the reciting of the selichot, there was singing with unbelievable fervor and devotion. It was surely what selichot is all about.
This week began with a day off on Sunday (Erev Rosh Hashanah), much appreciated by most of the girls who still miss their "Sundays." Everyone ran around preparing for Rosh Hashana and getting ready to going to various hosts including Midreshet faculty members.
Shana Bet spent Rosh Hashana together at Leora Bednarsh's in Alon Shvut which was an amazing experience.
Tuesday night, everyone came back from Rosh Hashana feeling refreshed and uplifted. To continue the pre-Yom Kippur mood, Lisa lead another selichot trip, this time to the Kotel for selichot followed by a kumzitz.
We are looking forward to our upcoming Shabbat Shuva Shabbaton in Beit Shaan. Stay tuned….
New Promise
Rav Zvi Ron
What vows are we annulling at Kol Nidre? Rabbenu Tam states that the promises we made to others we can only annul by asking them forgiveness, promises we made to God we pray about on Yom Kippur. The only vows left for Kol Nidre to take care of are vows that a person made to themselves.
Although Kol Nidre has the trappings of the annulment of vows ceremony, with three people standing in front of the congregation simulating a Beit Din, it does not contain the halachic elements necessary for a real Hatarat Nedarim, like peirut (specifying the vow you want to annul). Thus the Rema rules (Shulchan Aruch 211:1) that we can't rely on Kol Nidre to halachically annul any vows.
If so, what is the purpose of a purely symbolic representation of annulling personal vows?
It is to make us think of the various promises we made to ourselves over the course of the year, all of our planned changes and improvements. What happened to these promises? Did we live up to the expectations that we set for ourselves? When we say in Kol Nidre that we regret the vows, what we really mean is that we regret that we could not accomplish what we planned to, that we let ourselves down.
Shibulei HaLeket explains that we recite Kol Nidre three times to make sure we will think about what we are saying. We need this time and repetition to review all of our promises. At Kol Nidre we recognize where we fell short, and now we can begin Yom Kippur with a new promise to ourselves, not to repeat our mistakes this year.
Gmar Chatima Tova and Shabbat Shalom.
Mazel Tov!
Ailie (Cooper) ('03-'04,'04-'05, faculty 08-11) and Seth Schmulowitz on the birth of a son.
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Our Deepest Condolences toNatanya (Horowitz) ('05-'06 '06-'07) Tropp on the untimely and tragic loss of her parents, Ari and Sari Horowitz z"l. May Hashem comfort you along with all of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. |
Mi SheBerach List
We have started a new list. Please email if there is a name you would like to add.
Names added this week:
Amiyad Nisim ben Sarah,
Yirachmiel Natan ben Leba
Hadar Yocheved bat Chaya Sarah
For complete 5772 list, please go to: