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A Purim to Remember!

We started off our purim celebrations with a 'bar hop' throughout the Gush. We headed to Bracha's house in Efrat, where we were served a delicious potato and salad bar. We continued on to Rav Eitan's house in Neve Daniel, where we heard a lovely d'var torah. Soon after returning back to school we started to prepare for Purim in Yerushalyim.  We all changed our costumes in preparation for our animated themed chagiga. We heard a beautiful megilla reading in our Beit midrash and then boarded the buses to Midreshet Amalia where we spent the rest of the night dancing and celebrating.

Friday morning after megilla reading we had a really nice seudah where Rav Ron, Dena Terebelo and girls presented hysterical purim shpiels. We’ve had a great Purim filled with fun memories and experiences that we’ll never forget!

This week we’ve wasted no time getting back into our routine. Pesach is just around the corner so on Tuesday night we started preparing for Pesach with a pre-pesach activity. We had a round robin with Bracha, Michal, Rav Wenglin and Batsheva. They each presented a fifteen minute meaningful and informative lesson on one aspect of the pesach seder. For each lesson there was a food that symbolized that part in the seder. It was a great way to jump start our Pesach learning.

Klara Rosenberg, Lily Sausen and Tamara Schachter






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