News & Events
Pesach Kasher v'Same'ach
This past week was our second to last week of classes before we break for Pesach. To prepare us for the upcoming holiday the school organized both a Pesach Panel and a Mock Seder. At our Pesach Panel we had four teachers who spoke about certain halachot and minhagim that will take place on Pesach and allowed us to think about how we will prepare ourselves. At the mock seder we had many teachers do a "round robin" and give us many amazing divrei Torah to say at our sedarim!! Each teacher also gave out snacks connecting to their topic. It was so helpful and so much fun!
Last Thursday, Rav Lerner took about 35-40 of us to see Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky from Philly Yeshiva to get diverei chizuk and a bracha. It was a really special experience for us all.
We are all trying to get rid of our chametz so we've been hosting chametz parties and donating our leftover junk food from mishloach manot to the kitchen for everyone to eat from. As we scribble away in our Haggadas, we eagerly await the chag!
Wishing everyone a Chag Kasher v’Same’ach!!
Carly Schreiber, Tali Roth and Jen Schiff