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The End of an Amazing Year

With our smiles, tears, and much nostalgia from this year, we welcomed in Shabbos for the last time together as part of the Midreshet Moriah family. We davened on Friday night at the local "Igloo" shul and had a delicious meal (thank you Raizy) together.  The Shabbos zmirot were beautiful and we ended with a fun game of Fee Fi Fo Fum. The achdut was palpable and powerful. Shabbos morning we made Kiddush outdoors and lunch was, as usual, excellent.  We were privileged to hear some amazing shiurim from Rav Eitan, Sepha, Bracha and Dena, discussing topics related to the Tanach and to Shabbos.  We learned how to say goodbye, and how to prepare for the road ahead of us. We also heard some beautiful Divrei Torah from our very own class: Ziva, Eliana Braun, Kayla and Esti. You all imparted such powerful messages for us to keep and  internalise for our future. The words of Torah really represented just how much each of us have learned, grown and flourished this year. Shabbos ended with an unbelievable seudat shlishit, which was incredibly emotional and meaningful. Each girl shared her feelings, thoughts and memories of the past year and her gratitude to Midreshet Moriah for all she has gained.This shabbos gave us one last chance to spend time together appreciate the spiritual growth we have continually developed throughout the year. Midreshet Moriah has become our family and we are so sad to leave.

The banquet was a fitting end to an amazing year. We were fortunate to have Faigy's food again, followed by an special surprise ice cream cake from Benzi. The positive and supportive relationship we have with our teachers was obvious as each teachers's qualities and class was represented by a student. Rav Eitan, Bracha, and Sepha gave over divrei Torah with amazing messages for us to take with us for the rest of our lives. We were also so fortunate to hear from Rav Berglas, who spoke about the importance of כל ישראל עריבים זה לזה. This is just one of the myriad lessons we have learned from Rav Berglas, Vikki, and the amazing seminary they have created for us and so many other students. 

This year has really marked quite a significant milestone in our lives and has taught us about what it means to be a part of Am Yisrael, and what it means to be a Jew. We are so thankful for every opportunity we have been given this year and we will always appreciate this amazing gift we have been given.


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